Franklin School is committed to providing all students registered in homestay programs with a safe, caring and orderly living environment. In order to ensure the best possible homestay experience is promoted, Franklin School will:
- Keep records of the identification of the custodian appointed by the parent/guardian who is responsible for the care of each international student.
- Develop clear procedures for host family parents in connecting and communicating with their international student’s school.
- Support host families with conflict resolution procedures and a clear outline of who to contact should additional support be required.
- Encourage homestay families to develop rules regarding curfew, internet use, chore and other responsibilities to communicate to international students.
- Provide host families with a variety of resources to support their international student(s) in acquiring English as their second language.
- Publish the international student program’s legal limitations.
- Develop a participation agreement with the student and parent/guardian that includes expectations of student behaviour, conflict resolution process and ground for dismissal from homestay and/or school.
Host Family Responsibilities
In order to promote the best possible homestay experience for international students, host family parents should:
- Provide a caring, nurturing and supportive environment for international students.
- Be 25 years of age or older.
- Agree to scheduled in-home inspections by either the international student program or the homestay program provider or both and criminal record check (for anyone living in the home who is 18 years or older).
- Have no more than two international students in the homestay at the same time. (A Community Care Licence is required for host families caring for more than two international students at the same time).
- Avoid concurrently hosting both adult and minor international students.
- Provide food for three nutritious meals per day.
- Provide a clean and tidy home with a private adequately furnished bedroom, with access to:
- An area with a desk, chair and adequate lighting for homework;
- A bathroom, linens and use of laundry facilities;
- Entry into the home like any other member of the family (e.g. house key and alarm code if applicable); and,
- Where possible, access to the Internet to support educational goals and consistent communication with home.
- Ensure the house is safe and complies with the BC Building Code and/or the local building bylaw, as applicable, and with the local fire code.
- Ensure a student’s general well-being, seek medical attention when necessary, and report any significant medical or mental health issues to the school, the homestay provider and the international student program.
- Inform the school or international student program if the student drinks alcohol, takes or possesses non-prescribed, illegal drugs or breaks the law.
- Ensure the home and the auto insurance policy adequately covers students residing within their home; some policies do not cover homestay students.
- Promote strong connections between an international student and their parents, schools and communities by:
- Using the student’s desired language of study (English or French) in the home.
- Imposing reasonable limits on the student’s personal use of the Internet (i.e. the number of hours/day and appropriate times of day).
- Negotiating and enforcing an appropriate and reasonable curfew and house rules for the student.
- Assisting the student in seeking extra-curricular activities and sports.
- Attending school or district orientation for host families and other cultural or educational events.
International Student Responsibilities
International students coming to B.C. and entering a homestay should:
- Engage with the host family and the school and seek out opportunities to become involved in the school and family life.
- Communicate regularly with their parent/guardian and with their host family.
- Communicate significant issues or concerns to the host family, parent/guardian, custodian, school principal, vice-principal or teachers, homestay program provider or international school as appropriate.
- Understand that the school district or independent school international school program may require a student to move homestays or withdraw from the international school program in cases where accommodation that has been arranged privately is deemed to be unsafe or unsuitable.
- Respect and be responsible for the homestay home and property and pay for any damage to family property if found to be responsible for the damage.
- Understand that there is a BC Children’s Helpline (310-1234), which operates twenty-four hours a day, year-round, and may be called in cases where the international student feels he/she is being mistreated or unsafe in the home or school.
Parents/Guardian Responsibilities
An international student’s parent/guardian should:
- Accurately complete the application and in-take materials and disclose all of the student’s relevant information, such as medical conditions, to the homestay program provider and the host family so that they are fully able to support and care for the student for the duration of the homestay.
- Stay in regular touch with the student to monitor that the student is coping well with the pressures and stresses that come with living and studying in a new country and learning a new language.
- Report significant concerns to the homestay program provider.
- Understand that the school district or independent school international student program may require a student to move homestays or withdraw from the international school program in cases where accommodation that has been arranged privately is deemed to be unsafe or unsuitable.
- Understand that there is a BC Children’s Helpline (310-1234), which operates twenty-four hours a day, year-round, and may be called in cases where the international student feels he/she is being mistreated or unsafe in the home or at school.